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Filtering by Category: writing


Megan Betz

It has been a while since I’ve posted to this blog. That’s not necessarily unusual. I’ve taken long gaps before. I can say confidently, however, that this break has been one of my most challenging–a first foray into the academic job market & an exhausting season of life overall. By mid-October, I had lost track fo the last time I’d taken any space for mental health–for hobbies or reading or resting. My “to-do list” reminding me to exercise three times each week and pause to enjoy a hobby four times a week had gone unchecked in my planner for weeks. My dissertation writing had gone largely untouched outside of my weekly dissertation writing group. And so, I started carving a path back to myself.

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dissertation first look

Megan Betz

Earlier this week, I learned that my most recent article is out, with early online access. The piece will later be found in a special issue of Geographical Review dedicated entirely to methods in geography. I’m eager to see the other pieces and excited to share this, as it is my first solo-authored publication. This piece is also a first look at my dissertation project, which uses multispecies methods to examine community orchard projects as sites of community formation and space for building new understandings of nature.

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summer writing

Megan Betz

In continuing the theme from my last post, I've been dedicating myself to this time as a way to add a sense of accomplishment right into the start of my day--increasing the odds that I'll successfully manage stress & enjoy my day.  The time isn't always incredible productive... but I always have a plan. And I've finally found a system to stay motivated that works for me. Here's what's been helping, in case you're looking for some new tools.

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